Vyberte si akékoľvek mesto a získajte informácie na našej Prezentácii Zlatej Príležitosti o 5 najdôležitejších spoločensko-ekonomických problémoch a možných riešeniach a na základe toho vám predstavíme jedinečnú biznis príležitosť.
Aktuálna spoločensko-ekonomická situácia
V dnešnom rýchlo meniacom sa svete sa často zdá, že udržať krok s aktuálnou ekonomickou situáciou je ako skúšať chytať vietor do sietí. Avšak, poznanie ekonomických trendov a udalostí môže byť pre nás všetkých obrovským prínosom, a to nielen z pohľadu osobného finančného zabezpečenia, ale aj z hľadiska celospoločenského pohľadu a lepšieho pochopenia sveta okolo nás.
Pasívny príjem a jedinečná biznis príležitosti
Žijeme v dobe, kedy sa svet okolo nás mení rýchlejšie než kedykoľvek predtým. Mnohí z nás si pamätajú časy, keď stabilná práca na plný úväzok a pravidelný mesačný príjem boli synonymom istoty a bezpečia. Dnes je však situácia výrazne iná. Dynamická povaha moderného sveta nám ukazuje, že byť pripravený na neočakávané zmeny je kľúčové. A práve preto je pasívny príjem revolučným konceptom, ktorý by mal byť súčasťou finančného plánovania každého z nás.
Trvanie len 30 minút
Tieto informácie si viete vypočuť len do 30 minút.
29.5.2024 o 16.00 hod.
Kúpeľná kaviarnička
28.5.2024 o 18.00 hod.
Námestie sv. Egídia 55/50
23.5.2024 o 17.30 hod.
Námestie hrdinov 20A
6.6.2024 o 18.00 hod.
Vináreň and Winebar
I was frustrated with my lack of professional progression.I seemed like no mater what I did I wasn't advancing in my skills. I thought I had hit the ceiling of my writing abilities. After taking the course the whole way I looked at writing transformed. My writing process was streamlined. But not just that, my writing actually got significantly better.
Patrik Bjelončík
Výkonný riaditeľ
I had been out of the industry for a few years and wanted to strengthen my writing skills. The real world practical exercises really helped me re-integrate into the news writing world. After having one of my articles published in ClickJournal's Magazine I got my first job!
Ivanka a Milan Varcholoví
Affiliate Press Writer
I was frustrated with my lack of professional progression.I seemed like no mater what I did I wasn't advancing in my skills. I thought I had hit the ceiling of my writing abilities. After taking the course the whole way I looked at writing transformed. My writing process was streamlined. But not just that, my writing actually got significantly better.
Lucia a Ladislav Harhovskí
New Media Writer
I had been out of the industry for a few years and wanted to strengthen my writing skills. The real world practical exercises really helped me re-integrate into the news writing world. After having one of my articles published in ClickJournal's Magazine I got my first job!
Dalibor Kiselica
Affiliate Press Writer
I was frustrated with my lack of professional progression.I seemed like no mater what I did I wasn't advancing in my skills. I thought I had hit the ceiling of my writing abilities. After taking the course the whole way I looked at writing transformed. My writing process was streamlined. But not just that, my writing actually got significantly better.
Monika Beláková
New Media Writer
I had been out of the industry for a few years and wanted to strengthen my writing skills. The real world practical exercises really helped me re-integrate into the news writing world. After having one of my articles published in ClickJournal's Magazine I got my first job!
Silvia a Jozef Vavrovci
Affiliate Press Writer
I was frustrated with my lack of professional progression.I seemed like no mater what I did I wasn't advancing in my skills. I thought I had hit the ceiling of my writing abilities. After taking the course the whole way I looked at writing transformed. My writing process was streamlined. But not just that, my writing actually got significantly better.
Mária Lucká
New Media Writer
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